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Online legal help

Do you have a legal problem and need the legal advice from professionals (attorneys) in Slovakia? Are not you fully acquainted with the Slovak law? Please, fill in the online legal help form in the bottom part of this page.

The attorney shall respond via the on-line legal help to your question regarding the legal problem here. The lawyer shall advise you how to proceed. If you want to call us, let me know.

Please, fill in the country and city you come from, your e-mail and your question. Our lawyer will answer your legal problem. Type your question in the "Question" section. The attorney reserves the right to respond to the question asked.

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JUDr. Milan Ficek, your attorney in Slovakia

We reserve the right to respond to the question asked.

JUDr. Milan Ficek, your attorney in Slovakia
my name is Lexana and I am a virtual assistant. Please select below what you want to to help you with.